Originally created as an experiment and learning exercise in generative art and blockchain, Things AKA Thingdoms is an evolving digital art collectible. Released in late 2021, the project aims to explore the deepening relationship between artist and collector that blockchain and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) facilitate.
There are 10,000 pieces in the collection. Each Thing is a unique composition of visual traits that were drawn by hand, then randomly assorted together using Node.js.
The probability of distribution of each trait was determined loosely by the artist (me) before the generation script was executed. A single test generation was undertaken to ensure no major flaws existed in the process, before a final generation was executed. There was no curation of the artworks meaning the 10,000 that were created are the 10,000 that exist today.
Ownership of each thing is crytpographically verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain, via the ERC-721 token standard (a common standard used for non-fungible tokens).
In addition to the the primary artwork, have access to additional expansions of the art known as Versions, meaning the artist maintains a unique and direct connection to all 10,000 artworks and can continually iterate and exapnd on the pieces as they wish.
View the full collection on OpenSea.
There are 10,000 pieces in the collection. Each Thing is a unique composition of visual traits that were drawn by hand, then randomly assorted together using Node.js.
The probability of distribution of each trait was determined loosely by the artist (me) before the generation script was executed. A single test generation was undertaken to ensure no major flaws existed in the process, before a final generation was executed. There was no curation of the artworks meaning the 10,000 that were created are the 10,000 that exist today.
Ownership of each thing is crytpographically verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain, via the ERC-721 token standard (a common standard used for non-fungible tokens).
In addition to the the primary artwork, have access to additional expansions of the art known as Versions, meaning the artist maintains a unique and direct connection to all 10,000 artworks and can continually iterate and exapnd on the pieces as they wish.
View the full collection on OpenSea.